06 December 2010

Christmas Lessons

Things I learned today when teaching/ holding conversations about Christmas

1. A kid in my morning group did know that Christmas is celebrated because it's Jesus's birthday. She honestly just had no idea. She actually a pretty good student too, and speak English well.
2. French kids don't leave anything out for Pere Noel. No cookies and no milk- not even a carrot for the reindeer. Obviously it's way more fun to be Santa than Pere Noel.
3. Except if you're visiting one of my student's house. She leaves out hot chocolate and Calvados. Win!


  1. Anna, You'll have to begin the Calvados and hot chocolate Santa treat tradition as a reminder of your stay in Coutances. Joyeux Noel!!

  2. i'm stuffed silly with all the delicious restaurants dad has been taking me too! good thing I have a few more months to keep visiting :)
