17 November 2010

Thanksgiving Lessons

I don't have much planned yet, but if you google "Thanksgiving ESL" in only a few clicks you will be led to a powerpoint entitled "How to deep fry a turkey"

Tomorrow's Vocab list:
Food baby
Turkey Coma
Mystery Relative

Useful phrases:
Pass to the right
Pass to the left
No! I said it's always counter clockwise!
Where's the wine?
Is the game on?

Traced hand Turkeys
Defining "salad"
What are you thankful for?

I love cultural exchanges!

Update: In case for some reason you don't know what a cherpumple is:


  1. Don't forget how to call 911 when the garage catches on fire and "salade des raisins blanches"

  2. No! I said it's always counter clockwise!

    Can I come to class when you are the teacher?
    This makes me laugh sooo hard!

  3. I didn't have enough time to get into the intricacies of turducken and cherpumple, but we did have a lot of vocab review/ memorization with a taboo style game.

    There was a great quote about thanksgiving that I'll share with you next week- it made my day!
